December 2021 Update on threat to Burgess Park
Southwark Council planning committee have refused the application for the 7 storey development on Southampton Way Metropolitan Open Land. Next the application will be referred to the GLA, because it is Metropolitan Open Land (MOL).
Sign the petition – keep in touch We will continue to campaigning for the land to be brought into Burgess Park.
New threat to Burgess Park from development
New 7 storey development proposed Southampton Way
Land at 13 Southampton Way alongside Burgess Park is designated as Metropolitan Open Land (MOL). This means the land is meant to be used for open green space.
New building proposed on MOL, Southampton Way
The land should be incorporated into the park as originally intended when it was designated as MOL. Read more.
As more developments get built around Burgess Park green space is more important than ever. It should not be overshadowed by buildings reducing the openness of the park.
All of Burgess Park is land which was once houses and other building. Over the last 70 years the land has been made into a park. Read more about park history.
London Wildlife Trust woodlands report on overshadowing
In 2021 we campaigned on the impact of over-shadowing on the woodlands and fundraised for a report by London Wildlife Trust. The council have also published a report on the cumulative impact of all the developments on Burgess Park which recommends significant mitigation measures. Read the LWT report which found that the Southampton Way Woodlands will be impacted by overshadowing.
- Sunlight hours within these woodlands will be reduced by between 25-33%
- Ecological effects on the habitats cannot be fully ascertained
- Over time species more tolerant of shade normally found under a woodland canopy
- This will mean the need for increased work to prevent loss of grassland and meadows
November 2020 – Southwark Council local development study
The local development study sets out design principles across all of the Burgess Business Park, this includes the Parkhouse St sites which back onto the park. Amended applications will be put forward by developers during 2021.
Call for Southwark Council to reject tall towers development beside Burgess Park west
Parkhouse Street developments run alongside Burgess Park. 10 storey buildings will be 30m high and the wall of towers will:
Object to the planning applications:
- Cast shadows over 100m in the winter over-shadowing park users and wildlife
- Decrease park users wellbeing due to overlooking and encroachment of a green tranquil space.
- Reducing the heritage and cultural benefit of beautiful views of St George’s church tower enjoyed from the Old Kent Road, Trafalgar Avenue and Walworth Road.
Parkhouse Street planned developments – read more
- 21-23 Parkhouse: Southwark council’s proposal for 34 apartments + commercial space in 2 blocks of 9 and 5 storeys. Public consultation ended June 2019; not yet considered by planning committee. 19-AP-0469
- 35-39 Parkhouse: Dolphin Living proposal for 100+ apartments + commercial space in blocks of 7-10 storeys. Public consultation ended 10 Jan 2020; not yet considered by planning committee. 19-AP-0469 19-AP-2011
- 25-33 Parkhouse: Joseph Homes initial proposal for c130 apartments + commercial space in blocks of up to 11 storeys. Planning application open for comments May 2020, 20-AP-0858
- Burgess Business Park (‘Camberwell Union’): Peachtree’s proposal for 499 new homes + commercial space in 13 blocks of up to 12 storeys, and 5 storeys beside park. Secretary of State decision April 2020 REFUSED the planning application.
April 2020 – Camberwell Society overview across the schemes
Parkhouse planning statement to Councillors and Developers- Feb2020
More about the impact Don’t put Burgess in the shade.
More about FOBP responses to planning applications.