Cllr Rose response to FOBP about large events – read the letter – the council will do more to manage noise, improve community benefits, and report on the financial benefits for all parks on an annual basis.
FOBP is proposing:
(i) a community stakeholder group set up and a more transparent process for consultation/feedback and engagement with residents around the park and park users,
(ii) a holistic approach to the costs/benefits of large events that looks at more then the income generated,
(iii) better park maintenance, tracking the impact on the park fabric and wildlife, and recovery.
(iv) recognition that due to the shape and size of Burgess Park any music event will be a short distance from people’s homes and the noise will impact.
Events dates and Southwark Council consultation
Find out more Large and major events – Southwark Council
Keep in touch with Southwark Council consultation on events by registering for information Major events in parks consultations mailing list | Southwark Council
2023 planning application for 56 days filming and events in Burgess Park
In 2023 Southwark Council Events applied for planning permission to extend the number of days for filming and large events in Burgess Park. Increasing the number of days from 26 to 56. Although the planning permission with various conditions was granted the council have decided to consult further, not currently increasing the days for events/filming.
Read Cllr Rose’s letter May 2023. This still means that some events are planned for 2023. Each event requires an “event licence” and consultation is undertaken for each event.
FOBP letter to Events on stakeholders and community benefit May 2023
FOBP response to the planning application for 56 days Jan 2023